June 24th and 25th 2013 Caen (France)

Program > Invited speakers

Raphaël Haumont

Raphael Haumont

Raphaël Haumont is a lecturer in physical chemistry at Paris-Sud Orsay University, specialized in the molecular gastronomy field. The goal of this scientific discipline is to study the mechanisms operating in the food processing. He was trained by Hervé This, the father of the discipline with Nicolas Kurti. Nowadays, he works with the starred chef Thierry Marx at the Mandarin Oriental. He focuses his work on using physics and chemistry to enhance cooking. The idea is to find the original taste of food adapting the physico-chemicals phenomenon for cooking. Raphaël Haumont physically de-structures food to know its composition and then, try to bring forward the fundamental ingredients that come closest to the original product.      


Stéphane Perries

 Stephane Perries

Stéphane Perries is an assistant professor at the /Université Claude Bernard Lyon1 and he works for the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) experiment at CERN’s LHC, which was at the forefront for the discovery of the Higgs Boson in 2012. More precisely, his research topic is focused on signal analysis beyond the Standard Model linked to the top quark. He has done his Ph.D. in Lyon on superdeformed nuclear matter in mass regions between A=130 and A=190.


Patrick Bours

Patrick Bours

Patrick Bours is Associate Professor in Information Security at Gjovik University College and is a member of the Norwegian Information Security Lab (NISLab). His field of research is behavioral biometrics, especially keystroke dynamics and gait. Biometric is an identification of individuals method based on biological features whose fingerprint is the dominant technology. Nowadays, biometric is widely diversified and can also focused on recognizing the characteristics of the behaviThr as keystroke dynamics and gait. By studying how someone types text, one can validate a password, identify its gender or even his age and emotional state. On the other hand, the gait would allow the recognition of anyone just by analyzing images sequences of the way he walks and moves (speed, acceleration, body moves…).

Relais d’Sciences


Relais d’Sciences (Sciences Relay) is the center of scientific and technical culture in Basse-Normandie. It is a structure declared as one of general interest, the mission of which is to spread scientific, technical and industrial knowledge in Basse-Normandie. Relais d’Sciences was certified "Science and Culture, Innovation" by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research in 2008. It is a member of the national Federation of museums and centers of sciences (AMCSTI). Relais d’Sciences proposes cultural actions to stimulate the curiosity and the pleasure to discover. It favors the critical understanding, analysis, and thinking about the world surrounding us. It supports scientific culture broadcasting initiatives in the region.


Club Agile


The members of the Agility club of Caen are employees of large firms or SMEs as well as university teachers and students. The club organizes “agiles” events (conferences, stands, dojos…) and introduced the concept of agility to companies, schools, universities and institutions. It is composed of individual members exchanging their experiences of agility, including both organization and participation at “agiles” events.

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